Many companies pass through Hetta, Enontekiö, en route to Nordkapp, particularly in summer. This is a suggested itinerary for maximising your client's experience when here.
If you are just passing through:
1st Choice: Tour of the Husky Farm: Time needed, 40 mins.
2nd Choice: Tour of the Sami Cultural and Nature Centre: Time needed, 30 mins. - 1 hour
If you are staying overnight in Hetta...
These are the 'don't miss' activities we a timing combination that works for you:
1st Choice: A visit to Hetta's award-winning husky farm
2nd Choice: A visit to the nature centre,
3rd Choice: A short 0.7km hike from behind the nature centre to a panoramic viewpoint and place of interest.
FYI: This is easy to organise simply with your bus tour guide as the leader. Alternatively, we can arrange for a local guide who can make it more interesting, en route, by presenting about the local fauna and flora, and maybe making a fire for sausages and drinks at the top.
4th Choice: A Lappish Joiku Performance in the Traditional Farm Kota
It would be a shame to leave Hetta without visiting the highest award winning husky farm in Scandinavia!
The standard guided tour lasts 40 mins. - 1 hour and is a lot of fun for visitors and dogs alike.
You can also request additional services like hot drinks with which to eat a packed lunch on the farm.
On your first evening, most groups arrive in time to visit the Fell Lapland Nature and Cultural Centre - the Skierri - which attracts c. 25,000 visitors annually. It hosts one of the largest Sami exhibitions in Lapland as well as audiovisual shows about the Northern Lights, life of the Sami people etc. Although the nature centre has lots of information available, it is sometimes useful to have a personal guide to hand to steer visitors to the areas of particular interest.
Other groups choose to come straight to the farm before heading to the hotel since that way, they immediately get a real insight into the kind of place that they are spending the night in - as well as 'ticking off the list' one of the key attractions of the north...huskies!
Occassionally we get people who are so interested that they also want to stay for the evening feeding session! What better way to work out the kinks after a few days on a bus than by stretching muscles by carrying food around the farm for the dogs and getting lots of dog cuddles in return?
Summer days are long, in Hetta, so a small climb to the summit of Jyppryavaara Hill (shown in the header image, with Emma and Pluto as models) is the perfect end to the day. The ascent through the Nature reserve starts just behind the Skierri and local guides can not only introduce visitors to the local fauna and flora that will be encountered along the way but also tell stories about the importance of the hill in pagan times and how its 'selta' (sacred) rock caused a conflict with the early church.
The panoramic views from the summit of the Pallas-Yllas National Park give an unforgettable insight into the Arctic landscape so, when there is time, it is good to stop for a while to enjoy the scenery and potentially even make a fire in the summit kota. The descent is via an alternative nature trail through a forest dominated by pine and interspersed with birch, aspen and mountain ash.
The guided walk takes c. 1 hour (with extra time needed if a fire is to be made and, for instance, sausages cooked, at the top). We often take a friendly husky or two with us when guiding these hikes, since they can help the less able members of the group with the uphills and few people mind having a cuddle or two, and posing for a photography with them, at the summit.