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  • Wilderness Area Huts

    Outdoors.fi has information about all of the open and reservable wilderness cabins available through the Ministry of Forestry in Northern Lapland (and this covers most of Enontekiö), although you also need to look at their Western Lapland pages for some of those in the west of Enontekiö.

    WildNorth is your starting point for renting private cabins in Finland as a whole and Lomarengas is the place to go for cabins in the Lappish - specifically Enontekiö - area.

    For those planning longer routes, locked / private cabins are also included here, although at least some of these may be accessible if arranged in advance. If you are going to a less-well-known route, it is still worth working through the cabins in each area and translating the text beside the images.

    The huts listed on this page are all open ones, but may be in very variable condition. The resources available in each are listed and further information about the ones belonging to the Ministry of Forestry can be found here.

    NB: When we have quoted prices about bookable private wilderness cabins, these are only included as relative guidelines to help you find your way through the maze of accommodation options to choose from. Please go to the websites indicated to check their up to date pricing.

    The maps shown below are taken from the Metsähalitus website.

    Huts in the Pöyrisjärvi Wilderness Area
    Huts in Pulju Wilderness Area
    Huts in the Tarvantovaara Wilderness Area
    Huts in the Käsivarsi Wilderness Area & Kilpisjärvi Region

    Huts in the Pöyrisjärvi Wilderness Area

    There are 6 open wilderness huts and one combined open and reservable wilderness hut (all intended for one or two night stays) in and around the Pöyrisjärvi wilderness area.

    Näkkälän Välitupa, Open Wilderness Hut

    Location: This 6-person open hut (which is supposedly haunted!) is located along the Hetta - Näkkälä Trail, on the shore of River Närpistöjoki, about 15 km north of Hetta.  
    Facilities: Wood stove and bunks.
    Notice: Pets are permitted so long as other visitors agree.

    NB: If you are hiking or skiing from Hetta to Kautokeino along the old postal trail, there is another hut on the Norwegian side of the border, which can be used in conjunction with Näkkälän Välitupa. However, you would have to look up how it is accessible.

    Pöyrisjärvi reservable wilderness hut

    Location: This 14-person cabin is located on the southern shores of Lake Pöyrisjärvi near the river which runs between Naapajäarvi lake and Pöyrisjärvi Lake.
    Facilities: A stove, a gas cooker. Basic cookware (pot, frying pan, coffee pot). Bunk beds with mattresses, pillows and blankets. There are waste bins at the hut. Hikers are however advised to bring their own waste out of the area.
    Cost: 10 € / night / person, from 1.1.2015 11 e / night / person. 34 € / 4 h / group
    Notice: Pets are not permitted in the hut.

    Pöyrisjärvi open wilderness hut

    Location: This 12 person cabin is the second part of the building which also contains the reservable hut described above.
    Facilities: A stove, a gas cooker.
    Cost: 10 € / night / person, from 1.1.2015 11 e / night / person. 34 € / 4 h / group
    Notice: Pets are permitted in this open hut so long as you have the consent of any other visitors also staying there.

    Naltijärvi Open Wilderness Hut

    This hut, whilch sleeps 10, is located near old cabins which Sámi herders and farmers stayed at during the summer. It is on the east shore of Lake Naltijärvi, which is on the upper course of the River Käkkälöjoki. It contains a stove and pets are permitted (subject to agreement with other hikers). This hut is maintained every 2nd year.

    Lenkihaka open wilderness hut.

    This hut, whilch sleeps 10, is located between Lenkihaka Hill and Pahtavaara Hill on the east shore of a lake at the head waters of the River Aiteenjoki. It contains a stove and pets are permitted (subject to agreement with other hikers). This hut is maintained every 2nd year.

    Staalojärvi open wilderness hut. (Website)

    This hut, whilch sleeps 12, is located north of Lake Kallajärvi on the north-eastern shore of Lake Staalojärvi.

    It contains a stove and pets are permitted (subject to agreement with other hikers). This hut is maintained every 2nd year.

    Korteoja open wilderness hut. (Website)

    This hut, whilch sleeps 6, is on the north side of Suksivaara Hill on the east bank of the stream which flows from the River Kortevuoma to the River Suukisjoki. It contains a stove and pets are permitted (subject to agreement with other hikers). This hut is maintained every 2nd year.

    Nallatupa open wilderness hut. (Website)

    This hut, whilch sleeps 12, is outside of the wilderness area. It is situated 11 km north, north-east of the village of Peltovuoma on the west bank of the River Käkkälöjoki, a short distance towards south from where rivers Käkkälöjoki and Suukisjoki meet, near the boundary of the wilderness area. It contains a stove and pets are permitted (subject to agreement with other hikers). This hut is maintained every 2nd year.

    Kalmakaltio Open Wilderness Hut

    This older hut, whilch sleeps 6, located just outside the wilderness area north-west of Kieritunturi Fell near the mouth of the River Kalmakaltionoja, which flows into the River Käkkälöjoki.

    Private Cabins to Rent on the edges of the Pöyrisjärvi Wilderness area

    There are no rentable cabins in Pöyrisjärvi Wilderness area itself even though you will come across whole villages within the wilderness which belong to reindeer herding families and can only be used for herding purposes. On the edges of the wilderness area, however, there are private cabins available for rent and other lodging enterprises in the villages of Näkkälä, Nunnanen and Kalmakaltio.

    In Näkkälä, the following private cabins are available for rent:

    Isokämppä (Private Bookable) Wilderness Cabin

    Location: Näkkälän Isokämppä cabin is located by Näkkäläjärvi lake in Enontekiö, close to the village of Näkkälä. Näkkälä is a Sami village that gets most of its livelihood from reindeer farming. The cabin is situated in beautiful fell landscapes and great hiking tracks are easily accessible from here, year round. The Hetta-Kilpisjärvi snowmobile track passes by the cabin yard. From Hetta, take Ruijantie road (no. 93) and drive 25 km north in the direction of Kautokeino. Then, turn right at the signpost to Näkkälä (which is after the village of Leppajärvi and before the petrol station at Galdotievo) and drive 12 km on the Näkkäläntie road. Finally, turn right again and drive 1,5 km on the Lauttajärvi road to reach the cabin.
    Facilities: Wood stove, gas cooker, wood heating, candle lighting, outdoor sauna, boat and outdoor toilet. Water from the lake.
    Notice: It is possible to rent canoes, kayaks, snowshoes, mountain bikes, and a snow mobile from Samuli Näkkälä. Water is not examined yearly so boiling the drinking water before use is recommended.Bookings

    Näkkälän Pikkukämppä (Private Bookable) Wilderness Cabin

    Location: This is located near to the Isokämppä cabin, by Näkkäläjärvi lake in Enontekiö, close to the village of Näkkälä.
    Facilities: Gas cooker, wood heating, candle lighting, outdoor sauna, boat, outdoor toilet. Water from the lake.
    Cost: Week 484 - 564 €, Weekend 161 - 242 € + booking fee 20 € Bookings

    Huts in the Pulju Wilderness Area

    There are two open wilderness huts currently available in the Pulju Wilderness area (the marked Kapperapalo hut does not seem to be in use any longer) and, although there are no marked trails within the area, there are some clearly visible old unmarked tracks, some of which are shown on the area’s maps.

    Open wilderness huts

    Korsatupa hut holds 6 people and is located close to where the boundaries of the municipalities of Enontekiö, Kittilä and Inari meet up. It is on the shore of a small river about 1 km to the south west of the southern tip of Lake Korsajärvi. It has a fireplace and a sauna and pets are allowed in it (subject to the agreement of other users).

    Avisuora turf hut sleeps 4 and is located to the southeast of Kalmankaltio on the boundary between the municipalities of Enontekiö and Inari. It is 300 m west of the reindeer fence there and 100 m east of the River Avisuorajoki bank. Pets are permitted if everyone agrees.

    Huts in the Tarvantovara Wilderness Area

    There are two open wilderness huts within Tarvantovaara Wilderness Area itself which are intended for one to two night stays (see below). In the surrounding area there are a number of additional options:

  • In Hetta there are hotels, caravan parking areas with electricity, hiking and luxury cabins and hostels as well as rental cottages, which can be seen here and camping grounds.
  • In Palojärvi there are rental cabins, caravan parking with electricity and camping grounds.
  • In Leppäjärvi there are private cabins for rent, caravan parking with electricity and camping grounds.
  • In Kaaresuvanto there are rental cabins and rooms, camping grounds and hotels of various low to middle level standards.
  • In Kuttanen there are rental cabins available.
  • For further information see the municipality of Enontekiö's website and the Lapland tourism website.

    Salvasjärvi Open Wilderness Hut(6)

    Location: This hut which fits 6, is located near the border of Norway, on the eastern shore of Salvasjärvi Lake which is located northwest of Salvastunturi Fell. Hut is located along the Hetta-Kilpisjärvi snowmobile trail.
    Facilities: A stove.
    Notices: There are waste bins at the hut. Hikers are however advised to bring their own waste out of the area. 

    Syväjärvi Open Wilderness Hut(4)

    Location: This hut which fits 4 is located on the south shore of the River Jietajoki. The River Jietajoki has its source on the southwestern edge of Lake Syväjärvi. The hut is 2 km downstream from the lake.
    Facilities: A stove.
    Notices: There are waste bins at the hut. Hikers are however advised to bring their own waste out of the area. 

    Huts on the edge of the Käsivarsi Wilderness Area (2 206 sq.km. Established in 1991) and in the Kilpisjärvi Region

    NB: It is worth having a look at the section about national parks and wilderness areas in Enontekiö if you are starting to get lost, at this point, in the names of the various areas and how they all fit together. One of the main reasons we have included all of this information on our website is that, even 5 years into having a base in Enontekiö, Anna was still getting confused about conflicting nomenclature on the relevant Finnish websites. Hence, we have tried our best to present the areas and the resources available in them in a clear manner - but it is probably still a big challenge to get your head around for those who have never visited this part of arctic Scandinavia.

    Essentially, the Kilpisjärvi area will be one of your main access points for the Käsivarsi Wilderness Area and it will definitely be your access point for the Malla Strict Nature Reserve to its West. But the village itself, where a lot of the available accommodation can be found, is not actually included in either.

    Open and Reservable Wilderness Huts in the Kilpisjärvi Region

    Halti Reservable Wilderness Hut

    Location: This 13-person reservable wilderness hut, which was previously owned by Finland’s Border Guard, is situated on the north shore of the lake which is on the south side of Haltitunturi Fell. It is approximately 1,5 km from Nordkalottleden Trail.
    Price and Bookings: 10 e / night / person.
    Reservations: Kilpisjärvi Visitor Centre, 99490 Kilpisjärvi, tel. int. +358 205 64 7990 +358205647990 +358 205 64 7990 or, when the visitor centre is closed, the Fell Lapland Nature and Culture Centre, Peuratie 15, 99400 Enontekiö, tel. int. +358 205 64 7950 +358 205 64 7950. Keys for the hut can be picked up from either place.
    Facilities: A stove and a gas cooker. Basic cookware (pot, frying pan, coffee pot). Bunk beds with mattresses, pillows and blankets. Althougth there are waste bins at the hut, hikers are requested to bring their own waste out of the area. Notices: Pets are not permitted in the hut. The building also houses an open wilderness hut for 8 persons.

    Halti (New) Open Wilderness Hut

    Location: This 8-person open wilderness hut is the second half of the reservable wilderness hut's building. wilderness hut is situated on the west shore of the lake which is on the south side of Haltitunturi Fell. It is approximately 1,5 km from Nordkalottleden Trail.
    Facilities: A stove and a gas cooker
    Notices: Halti's Open Wilderness Hut was renovated in the spring of 2007. Pets are permitted in the hut when other visitors agree. About 300 metres from this hut is a building which houses a newer open wilderness hut (8 persons) as well as a reservable wilderness hut (13 persons). Althougth there are waste bins at the hut, hikers are requested to bring their own waste out of the area.

    Halti (Old) Open Wilderness Hut

    Location: This 5-person open wilderness hut is situated on the west shore of the lake which is on the south side of Haltitunturi Fell. It is approximately 1,5 km from Nordkalottleden Trail.
    Facilities: A stove and a gas cooker
    Notices: Halti's Open Wilderness Hut was renovated in the spring of 2007. Pets are permitted in the hut when other visitors agree. About 300 metres from this hut is a building which houses a newer open wilderness hut (8 persons) as well as a reservable wilderness hut (13 persons). Althougth there are waste bins at the hut, hikers are requested to bring their own waste out of the area.

    Kopmajoki Open Wilderness Hut

    Location: This 6-person wilderness hut is situated by Nordkalottleden Trail on the west side of Seitalompolo on the bank of the River Kopmajoki.
    Facilities: A stove and a gas cooker.
    Notices: Pets are permitted in the hut, but only in case that other visitors agree with it. Althougth there are waste bins at the hut, hikers are requested to bring their own waste out of the area.

    Kuohkimajärvi Open Wilderness Hut

    Location: This 6-person open wilderness hut is located along the Nordkalottleden Trail, near the borders of three countries, to the north of Lake Kuohkimajärvi. The Norwegian border is about 100 m from the hut.
    Facilities: Stove, gas cooker, essential cooking utensils.
    Notices: Near the Open Wilderness Hut is the Kuohkimajärvi Reservable Wilderness Hut. Pets are permitted in the hut, but only in case that other visitors agree with it. Althougth there are waste bins at the hut, hikers are requested to bring their own waste out of the area.

    Kuohkimajärvi Reservable Hut

    Location: This 10 person hut is located along the Nordkalottleden Trail, near the borders of three countries, to the north of Lake Kuohkimajärvi. The Norwegian border is about 100 m from the hut.
    Facilities: Stove and gas cooker. Bunk beds with mattresses, pillows and blankets.
    Notices: Kuohkimajärvi Open Wilderness Hut is located near the reservable hut. Pets are not permitted in the hut.
    Althougth there are waste bins at the hut, hikers are requested to bring their own waste out of the area.
    Price and bookings: 10 euros/person/night.
    Reservations: Kilpisjärvi Visitor Centre, tel. +358 205 64 7990 / +358 205 64 7950. The keys can be picked up at the Kilpisjärvi Visitor Centre. When the Visitor Centre is closed, arrangements concerning the keys should be made with Fell Lapland Nature Centre Skierri.

    Kuonjarjoki Reservable & Open Wilderness Hut

    Location: This 10 person wilderness hut is situated south of the Kahperusvaara Hills by Nordkalottleden Trail on the north bank of the River Kuonjarjoki which runs between the Kahperusvaara Hills and Guonjarvárri Fell.
    Facilities: A stove and a gas cooker. Basic cookware (pot, frying pan, coffee pot).
    Notices: Pets are permitted in the hut, but only in case that other visitors agree with it. The building also houses a reservable wilderness hut for 10 persons. Althougth there are waste bins at the hut, hikers are requested to bring their own waste out of the area.

    Meekonjärvi Open Wilderness Hut

    Location: This 6-person wilderness hut is situated by Nordkalottleden Trail. It is on the southeast bank of the River Pierfejoki, which runs into the sound at the west end of Porojärvi Valley between Lake Meekonjärvi and Lake Skadjajärvi. It is about 500 metres from the mouth of the river.
    Facilities: A stove and a gas cooker.
    Notices: Pets are permitted in the hut, but only in case that other visitors agree with it. Meekonjärvi Reservable Wilderness Hut is located about 500 metres northwest of Meekonjärvi Open Wilderness Hut. Althougth there are waste bins at the hut, hikers are requested to bring their own waste out of the area.

    Meekonjärvi Reservable Wilderness Hut

    Location: This 10 person wilderness hut is situated by Nordkalottleden Trail on the southern shore of Lake Meekonjärvi, about 500 northwest of Meekonjärvi Open Wilderness Hut.
    Facilities: A stove and a gas cooker. Basic cookware (pot, frying pan, coffee pot). Bunk beds with mattresses, pillows and blankets. Althougth there are waste bins at the hut, hikers are requested to bring their own waste out of the area.
    Notices: Pets are not permitted in the hut.
    Price and Bookings: 10 e / night / person.
    Reservations: Kilpisjärvi Visitor Centre, 99490 Kilpisjärvi, tel. int. +358 205 64 7990 / +358 205 64 7990 / +358 205 64 7950. Keys for the hut can be picked up from the Kilpisjärvi Visitor Centre and when the visitor centre is closed from Fell Lapland Nature Centre.

    Pihtsusjärvi Reservable & Open Wilderness Hut

    Location: This 10 person open wilderness hut is situated by Nordkalottleden Trail on the east shore of Lake Pihtsusjärvi on the north side of the River Rassajapuro.
    Facilities: A stove and a gas cooker.
    Notices: Pets are permitted in the hut, but only in case that other visitors agree with it. The building also houses a reservable wilderness hut for 10 persons. Althougth there are waste bins at the hut, hikers are requested to bring their own waste out of the area.

    Saanajärvi Open Wilderness Day Trip Hut

    Location: This day trip hut is located behind Saana Fell, at the northwestern end of Lake Saanajärvi. It is about 4 km from the hut to Kilpisjärvi village.
    Facilities: Stove and gas cooker
    Notices: The hut is meant for daytime use. Pets are permitted in the hut, but only in case that other visitors agree with it. Althougth there are waste bins at the hut, hikers are requested to bring their own waste out of the area.

    Saarijärvi Reservable Wilderness Hut (Enontekiö)

    Location: This 10 person wilderness hut is situated by Nordkalottleden Trail near the Norwegian border. It is to the north of the Salmivaara Fell at the west end of Lake Saarijärvi.
    Facilities: A stove and a gas cooker. Basic cookware (pot, frying pan, coffee pot). Bunk beds with mattresses, pillows and blankets.
    Notices: Pets are not permitted in the hut. The building also houses an open wilderness hut for 10 persons. Althougth there are waste bins at the hut, hikers are requested to bring their own waste out of the area.
    Price and Bookings: 10 e / night / person.
    Reservations: Kilpisjärvi Visitor Centre, 99490 Kilpisjärvi, tel. int. +358 205 64 7990 / +358 205 64 7990. Keys for the hut can be picked up from the Kilpisjärvi Visitor Centre and when the visitor centre is closed from Fell Lapland Nature Centre.

    Private Huts on the edge of the Käsivarsi Wilderness Area

    Kelottijärvi (Private Bookable) Wilderness Cabin

    Location: This new, cosy and well-equipped log cabin is located on the shore of lake Kelottijärvi, 22km north of Karesvando (follow signposts left to Kelottjärvi) on the edge of the Käsivarsi wilderness area. The cabin is ideal for anyone interested in activities in nature because the area is well-known for its hunting grounds, fishing waters and cloudberry-picking areas. During winter, the Kilpisjärvi-Muonio snowmobile route passes just by the cabin.
    Facilities: 2 bedrooms, combined kitchen and living room, loft, sauna, WC, shower. Electricity, running water, fireplace, TV, microwave oven, dish washer, washing machine, refrigerator. Boat, beach is moderate.
    Notices: Water is not examined yearly so boiling the drinking water before use is recommended.

    Jogasjärvi (Private Bookable) Wilderness Cabin

    Location: Small and cosy, the Jogasjärvi wilderness cabin is located in the Käsivarsi Wilderness Area on the southern shore of lake Jogasjärvi, about 36 km from the village of Kilpisjärvi. The cabin can only be reached by foot, ski, snowmobile or small plane. Drive first to Kilpisjärvi on a highway E4, then walk or ski 36 km to the cabin. NB: There is also an open wilderness hut near the rental cabin.
    Facilities: Solar panel light, iron stove which is also the heater, gas stove.
    Notice: The Arctic Trail passes from the cabin of Jogasjärvi approx. 7 km to the west. Traveling on snowmobile to the cabin requires a cross-country traffic permit. The permit can be purchased from the Fell Lapland Nature Center, telephone +358 205647950. Notice! Purchase the permit at least one week before the departure to the cabin.

    Pousujärvi Wilderness Cabin

    Location: Built in 2008, spacious and very well equipped holiday cabin of Pousujärvi is located approx. 24 km from Kilpisjärvi. It is a spot where river Könkämäeno sread to Lake Pousujärvi. Cabin is easy to reach year round. Drive approx. 25 km south from Kilpisjärvi on a highway E4 to Pousujärvi, the cabin is located 30 meters from the main road.
    Facilities: Electiricity, tv, fridge-freezer, dishwasher, microwave oven, coffee machine, jug kettle, hoover, sauna, two showers, boat, outdoor firesite, smoking oven, parking place. There are two double rooms in the dowstairs and two double rooms in the attics, open kitchen, toilet, sauna, dressing and drying rooms and big terraces.
    Notices: Water is not examined yearly so boiling the drinking water before use is recommended.

    Vuosku Wildnerness Cabin

    Location: Vuosku wilderness cabin is situated along the road to Kalkkoaivi, on the left side of the road about 100 m from the main road to Kilpisjärvi. The cabin is about 30 km North of Karesuvanto village and 80 km south of Kilpisjärvi village. Accessible by car in summer, in winter the distance from the parking place 100 m. Drive along the highway E8 towards North from the village of Karesuvanto for 33 km. The cabin is located by the road in Kalkkoaivi.
    Facilities: Electric light, refrigerator, electric cooker, iron stove which is also the heater, wood-heated sauna in a separate building, water well.
    Notices: The well might be dry for a week between April and May. During that time the drinking water must be brought from elsewhere. Drinking water is not examined every year, so boiling the water is recommended.

    Järämä Wilderness Cabin

    Location: Järämä wilderness cabin is situated by river Könkämäeno (the river between the borders of Finland and Sweden), 17 km North of Karesuvanto village and about 90 km South of Kilpisjärvi village. There is a summer café and restored German fortification built during the World War II on the opposite side of the road. About 50 m from the cabin is a public parking lot and boat harbour. In June the yard of the cabin might be flooded. Accessible by car in summer, in winter the distance from the parking place 300 m. Drive from the village of Karesuvanto approx. 17 km to the north along the highway E8. The cabin is found on the shore of Könkämäeno.
    Facilities: Gas cooker, wood stove heating, candle lighting, sauna in a separate building, rowing boat, ground cellar, water from the river, outdoor toilet.
    Notices: Water is not examined yearly so boiling the drinking water before use is recommended.

    Nunas Wilderness Cabin

    Location: Log cabin situated on the shore of river Könkämäeno, 17 km North from Karesuando along the Kilpisjärvi road. The cabin has a living room/bedroom, a spacious loft and a kitchenette. The cabin is an excellent base for fishing, fly fishing in particular, touring along the waterways and hiking. Accessible by car in summer, in winter distance from the parking place 800 m. Drive from the village of Karesuvanto approx. 17 km to the north along the highway E8. The cabin is found on the shore of Könkämäeno.
    Facilities: Iron stove which is also the heater, candle lights, gas stove, sauna in the same building, water from the river, rowing boat, site for an open fire, outdoor toilet, cellar.
    Notice: Water is not examined yearly so boiling the drinking water before use is recommended.

    Könkämä Wilderness Cabin

    Location: Log cabin situated on the shore of river Könkämäeno, 17 km North from Karesuando along the Kilpisjärvi road. The cabin has a living room/bedroom, a spacious loft and kitchenette. The cabin is an excellent base for fishing, fly fishing in particular, touring along the waterways and hiking. Accessible by car in summer, in winter distance from the parking place 800 m. Drive from the village of Karesuvanto approx. 17 km to the north along the highway E8. The cabin is found on the shore of Könkämäeno.
    Facilities: Iron stove which is also the heater, candle lighting , gas stove, sauna in the same building, water from the river, rowing boat, site for an open fire, outdoor toilet, cellar.
    Notice: Water is not examined yearly so boiling the drinking water before use is recommended.

    Pikku-Pousu Wilderness Cabin

    Location: Cabin Pikku-Poussu is located by Lake Poussujärvi only 100m from the main road, Kilpisjärven tie, and approx. 25km to the south from Kilpisjärvi and approx. 75 km to the north from Karesuvanto. The cabin is in an old Lappish village, so around the year may reindeer wonder outside the cabin. Outstanding views open over the big fells of three countries. The lake is easy to reach both in summers and in winters. The distance to the nearest snowmobile route is only 500m. From Kilpisjärvi: Drive along the highway E8 for 24km towards Poussujärvi, the cabin is found in 30m from the highway.
    Facilities: Main room where beds for 4+1, kitchen corner, electric lights (not for heating), heater, fridge, electric stove, microwave oven, TV, radio, lakeside sauna, outdoor toilet, rowing boat, drinking water from the lake.
    Notices: Water is not examined every year, so boiling the drinking water is recommended. Reindeer herding is done all year round in the surroundings.