This section is in loving memory of the dogs no longer with us. We have used their 'gallery' images at the top and we have added some additional images and text, below...
The first section is for those who passed away happily and much loved, in their forever homes.
The second section is for those who we know to have either passed away or been put to sleep when they were deemed no longer able to run fast enough or far enough, at Valimaa.
Arnie | Assi | Aurel | Balto | Bono | Borgi | Brendan | Ciril |
Jesse | Jiri | Jonaton | Kinuski | Roi |The third section is for those dogs that passed away under our care when we were responsible for the Valimaa farm.
Ami | Blue | Boss | Nala | Nestor Noita | Netta | Pete | Rikuu | Kaisla | Yeti |
Most of the rest of the dogs that we left under the 'tender loving care' of Santa Safaris / Transun, did not, unfortunately, live that long. :(
These included: Anina, Ara, Arctis, Ari, Arno, Aro, Auron, Aurora, Baxter, Ben, Bess, Branca, Brando, Calle, Cideri, Cirka, Conjak, Euclid, Firn , Houdini, Liisa, Litmanen, Lumi, Macha, Mojito, Nalle, Nemo, Neve, Niiles, Niiro, Niko, Norbert, Piscilla, Pyru, Sinikka, Tuisku and Tuuli.
Berg and Levi (by Tom) were lucky to be adopted.
with Tobias Katral (Sweden). Adopted in Spring 2014. Died December 2014 of mammory tumours.
Raija, born Oct 2003, was a good lead dog in her day and could be let off the lead to run free since she would always come when called. She could be shy on occasion but with a bit of patience would come out of her shell and be very loving. A period convalescing in the cabin after an injury convinced her that indoors is the place to be, and she would delight in cuddling close and poking you with a paw to get your attention. When she convalesced for a while in Hetta, she showed a prediliction for eating Eliel's socks but she was so sweet that it was hard to hold it against her.
Nuppu: 2007 - 2015
Nuppu was lucky enough to spend the last year of her life in comfy retirement with with Andrietta Stackenland in Sweden. She was adopted in Autumn 2014.
Nuppu is Nuudels’ sister and they are also best of friends. Nuppu is beautiful and a good runner, but not when surrounded by lots of people. Like her sister, she is prone to colds and get coughs in winter. She loves being inside with the guides, although initially she is very shy (often hiding behind her sister), but soon enough she will start nudging you for cuddles. If left outside she needs a low dose of Medrol to keep her cough at bay but she may not require this if she becomes a house dog. Nuppu, unlike her sister, hasn’t taken so well to mushing and big hoards of clients frighten her. I think she would be a lovely companion dog to a patient family without too many boisterous children - and ideally with another dog if it can't be her sister, Nuudles - who understand how much gentle love and attention she needs.
Assi (2002)
Assi is semi-retired now due to age but she when she does run she loves it! Assi runs in boys teams (since she can get snappy with girls) in lead and has a strong enough personality to keep them all in check! She is becoming better at socialising with female dogs in the cabin with the guides. Assi is very distinctive looking with her black coat and very blue eyes and she has passed on her looks to many of her offspring! She can be a little shy around new people but it is very rewarding when you have gained her trust!
Ideal new home: In a calm household where she could relax and come out of her shell.
How would she deal with being alone during a working day: She would more than likely be fine, curled up and waiting for your return
To what extent can she still do canicross in summer / go skijoring with me in winter?She will still be able to run every now and again and would probably enjoy it!
Balto (2009)
Balto, like his brother Brendan, loves people! He is happiest when getting cuddles. He often runs in lead position and can be run with boys as well as girls because he is castrated. Balto is a happy and bouncy dog- he is intelligent and always eager to learn new tricks! Balto suffers from an on-going cough so while living outside is on a low Medrol dose- he may not require this if he is a house dog.
Arnie (2005)
Arnie was pretty shy and due to regularly changing staff and clients on the farm, he found it hard to bond well with people. However, longer term guides had commented about how much more social he had become with time and that he had gotten to the point of enjoying a cuddle. He was even many guides' favourite due to his happy nature and the way he would run laps around his enclosure with his tongue hanging out. Towards the end of our time working at Valimaa (ie it took 4 years), we had even started to get him to run. A dog like that, though, was unfortunately never likely to last long under different management.
Jiri (2005)
Jiri is nearing retirement age and is deserving of a nice comfy sofa after many years of lead-dog duty. He's calm and slightly shy, but once he realises that he actually enjoys attention and cuddles, he will really warm up to you.
Brendan was a very enthusiastic dog. When there was a person near-by he would wag his whole body in excitement and he loved nothing more than getting attention. He ran in a wheel position due to his size and amazing strength!
Bono was a playful, happy little dog who lacked confidence and therefore found running with lots of clients around him overwhelming at times. It took us quite a while to get him running in the first place since in the early days he would get scared and then just stop in line - but he was definitely getting there as a sleddog. Despite his gradual improvement, the new managers in Valimaa don't want to put in any more effort into him. (Thankfully they weren't involved three years ago or half the farm would have been put down!). Despite this lack of confidence in his athletic abiltiy, he was friendly and confident with people and was generally ok with other dogs, as long as they were calm and easy-going.
Cirill: RIP 2014
Nala: 10th Nov. 2008 - 2014
Nala was a lovely dog with a sweet nature. She got on with most dogs but was prone to being bullied as she was so gentle. Although initially wary of humans, she loved cuddles and patience with her is most rewarding! She is great to cuddle up with and is like a soft pillow as she has the most amazingly soft fur! Nalla would probably still enjoy the occassional recreational run but she has some underlying health reasons which we think contribute to her refusing to continue when on client safaris after a couple of rounds. On January 1st, 2012, for instance, (2 weeks after being given ivermectin), her back legs gave way after a short safari and her front legs swelled, trying to take the strain. We put her on a reduced running plan and followed her health carefully but on 28th April 2014, har back legs suddenly gave way and she couldn't walk since she had somehow 'slipped a disc' in the lumbar region (lower back) of her spine. We took her to the vet and she said that she would walk again in a week and that there wasn't any permanent paralysis but that she would be at risk from this again in the future.
Kaisla: RIP 2005 - 2014
Kaisla has been a good lead dog who particularly enjoyed running with her friend Anjuska with whom she would frequently play and get tangled up in the line. However, she has suffered seizures once in each of the past two years when people have overrun her by accident (she should be on a reduced running program because of her age). For her sake we should take away the possibility of this happening again. She is a bit shy with new people, but is lovely when you get to know her and would be a loyal pet. Kaisla is so easy going that she can get on with almost any other dog.
Nestor (2008)
Nestor, son of Darja, was an easy dog, however he did not run much as he became overly excited on the start line and suffered from seizures occasionally. He was a friendly dog who loved everyone (easy with people and most other dogs) and was always happy to see you.