Our wilderness holiday cabin, an amazing cloudberry location in summer, (to which we journey by husky sled in winter, and by boat, in summer), was featured in a photographical editorial for the New York Times
Oliver Pelling, the editor of Adventure.com contacted us in January 2018 to let us know that we had been included in their round up of 'adventures with impact' for 2018. Pretty cool.
The Canadian Outpost Magazine features an article by Kathleen Doler in which she talks of her adventures with Aki in the far north.
Geo.de The German travel magazine, GEO, published an interview with a profesional photographer who joined us on a 5-day safari.
The Villager Newspaper, US: We featured in the final part of a three-part series of stories about Leah McFail’s around the world backpacking adventure with her husband, Steve.
Cellesche-zeitung: We are mentioned far afield in the German-speaking world.
Issn' Rüde: We get a favourable mention in a top German publication because of happy clients.
Petit Fute Is a french travel magazine which also hosts an online travel website with information about tourist destinations around the world. We were visited by one of their representatives in the Spring of 2014.
Top 10 things to do in Lapland, Finland: According to USA Today - our farm is the one suggested for husky mushing!
The Australian: One of our clients writes an article about his 7 day arctic mushing adventure.
The Australian: His old arcticles in the Australian become 'filed' after a while but you can still get an idea about how he writes, here...
The Australian: Our happy Australian client writes a follow-up article in his regular blog the following year.